Health Insurance for Your Employees
from abroad
Use Frenkee's new tool and arrange insurance for up to 2000 foreigners at once. In a few clicks, within seconds.

- Simple and fast online arrangement.
- Choice between emergency and comprehensive care.
- 24/7 access to contracts in the client section.
- Notification of contract expiration 14 days in advance.
Want more information?
Download the presentation with all details
3 simple steps and you are insured

Register an agency

Complete the insured persons in bulk

Will you pay or will the insured pay
Who must have insurance for foreigners in the Czech Republic?
You must provide commercial health insurance for foreigners if you are not a citizen of an EU country and are applying for a visa or residence permit in the Czech Republic. Frenkeeho offers meet the requirements of Act No. 326/1999 Coll., on the Stay of Foreigners in the Territory of the Czech Republic, and they are recognized by the Ministry of the Interior and the Foreign Police of the Czech Republic.
For stays up to 90 days, you can also arrange standard travel insurance or urgent care insurance for foreigners, or comprehensive health insurance. The latter option ensures the maximum scope of care covered by your policy, excluding care for pregnant individuals. Expectant mothers can choose a special insurance program that protects both the mother and the child.
The insurance covers liability
- The Urgent Care package covers the costs of emergency care.
- Comprehensive insurance for foreigners also covers preventive care and non-acute treatment.
Frequently Asked Questions
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Frenkee application monitors contracts and better conditions for you
- Saves an average of 2,800 CZK per contract
- Checks prices, terms, and rates in the market every day...